Wishlist Modern phone resolutions (e.g. 1400x3000) cannot be tested properly in Nicepage 5.8.x

Modern phones have very different resolutions from the ones supported by Nicepage 5.8.13 My Samsung S20 and later versions have 1440 x 3200 pixels, at a 20:9 ratio. A preview option for modern phones...
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Latest By Support Team

24 April 2023

Started 23 April 2023 by MatsB

Ask a Question my site is live but missing files

Hello. I made a website with my email account. And now I can't find the files https://taiosinc.nicepage.io/
4 Replies
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Latest By taiosincorp

09 May 2023

Started 25 April 2023 by taiosincorp

Ask a Question my nicepage desktop stuck on loading and failed to send request, help

my nicepage desktop stuck on loading and failed to send request, help
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Latest By Support Team

27 April 2023

Started 26 April 2023 by databasesdmbali

Ask a Question How to update meta data for a Blog Control, both blog list and posts

Hi I have added a Blog control in my website and few blog pages too but I was not able to figure out if it is possible to customise the meta data of each post as well as the title in HEAD section. Can...
11 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

04 May 2023

Started 26 April 2023 by M S

Ask a Question Updated my Joomla 4 template

Good morning, I made my template in "Nicepage Desktop", I published it for Jommla 4 in ZIP format, with the options 1. Theme and Include Ecommerce Template 2. Pages and Editor Plugin/include Blog...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

27 April 2023

Started 26 April 2023 by info39242

Ask a Question Old header and footer in blog post template

Hello, I have newly edited my header and footer through Nicepage Wordpress plugin, but the header and footer in the blog posts stayed the same, also the old header and footer are on the 404 page. I...
4 Replies
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Latest By robert23202

14 November 2023

Started 27 April 2023 by m1nte

Wishlist Update

Hello, below such are outdated, do you intend to update? jQuery - v3.5.1 is on v3.6.4 PhotoSwipe - v4.1.3 is in v5.3.7. JavaScript Cookie - v2.2.1 is in v3.0.5. Animate.css - v3.7.2 is in...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

27 April 2024

Started 28 April 2023 by Gilson_RG

Ask a Question Blog posts - publish date

Hi, I am importing more than 200 blog posts from an old website and it would be great if the posts showed the desired original publishing date in the nicepage version of the blog. (I will upload the...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

01 May 2023

Started 28 April 2023 by jongeorg

Ask a Question varias cuentas

Hola, tengo un nuevo cliente pero quiere comprar nicepage propio, en ese caso, compro este programa con el email del cliente y cuando use nicepage escritorio me salgo del mio y pongo el acceso del...
11 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

05 May 2023

Started 28 April 2023 by web5162

Ask a Question Publishing on your server

I have a desktop version of nicepage, I created a website in it and I want to publish it on my own server. How can I do this?
7 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By scarlettyung85

17 November 2023

Started 01 May 2023 by virtuai201811

Ask a Question Permanent image change on hover

I know how to use the hover effects to change an image, which I did so successfully. Now I'm wondering if there might be a code out there to allow for image hovers to be permanent - what I'm trying to...
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Latest By Support Team

05 May 2023

Started 04 May 2023 by sunhwareiner

Ask a Question Contact form stopped working - wordpress

Hi I've been advised by clients my contact for isn't working (There was an error trying to send your message. Please try again later.). I've not made any changes to my site and just checked that I'm...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

05 May 2023

Started 05 May 2023 by contact8882

Ask a Question html export- is their a way to just export changed pages?

When I export html to a local folder using desktop version, it re-exports ALL pages for a site, not just changed pages, and also changes creation of ALL files/pages to date/time of export. Am I...
5 Replies
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Latest By Care Resources

20 December 2023

Started 05 May 2023 by plunkchr

Ask a Question Contact form has stopped working

I regularly go on to my website( or get others to) to check the contact form is working. I last did this on 1st May, with no issues. However, my ad campaign with google was reporting multiple clicks...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

08 May 2023

Started 08 May 2023 by drinicolis

Ask a Question anchor_links do not link to the block ii wantt. They link to anothers block site.

Hello there, Ive added anchor links to my one pager. When I set this site as my shop through the woocommerce settings these anchor links stop working. I have tried many things like set the links...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

10 May 2023

Started 08 May 2023 by Paul Przyklek