Ask a Question license

Hi, regarding your license model just wanna be sure i understand properly. If i get the Subscription license, i have access to the tool for 1 year only but if it's license it's a lifetime access to...
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Latest By Support Team

16 March 2023

Started 16 March 2023 by danygauvin651

Ask a Question Site restoration

Hello! My computer broke down. How can I download desctop version of my site to desktop?
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Latest By MerlinAZ

16 March 2023

Started 16 March 2023 by zhoukovets2


come mai pubblico il mio sito tramite link personalizzato e da cellulare non lo visualizzo in modalità mobile?
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Latest By Support Team

16 March 2023

Started 16 March 2023 by giorgiogiannuzzi1

Ask a Question TABs block

Hi i have been using tabs blocks for a web site and its been going really well but now if i add a new block i cant change fonts for titles or sub or text on the item background the tools do not...
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Latest By russellpainting2

17 March 2023

Started 16 March 2023 by russellpainting2

Ask a Question I Want My Project Back That I Saved

I Uninstalled Nicepage Because I Installed New Window I Signed In From My Gmail And Now I Lost My Project ... Give It Back To Me
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Latest By MerlinAZ

20 March 2023

Started 19 March 2023 by 7hekuj

Report a bug siteyi kapayamıyorum

https://ö siteyi kapayamıyorum kapar mısınız
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20 March 2023

Started 20 March 2023 by karakaan0205

Ask a Question Form

Hello nicepage. Is it possible to use the e-mail address entered in the e-mail form as the sender? Cheers Ralf
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21 March 2023

Started 20 March 2023 by innovis_medienagentur

Ask a Question joomla version

Is nicepage compatible with Joomla 4?
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21 March 2023

Started 21 March 2023 by fred2342

Ask a Question License over after few days

Hello! I read the license information for the plans and my license is over soon. What will happen when the license is over? What means free updates? Can I edit again after my site and add a new page...
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23 March 2023

Started 22 March 2023 by LyudmilaDragodanova

Report a bug Issue in exporting HTML

I had created a website and i need to export it in html format so nicepage is providing free for exporting it in html I am not able to export my website , It is showing me get your premium what the...
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22 March 2023

Started 22 March 2023 by projecttay415159

Ask a Question Export/Import

I had a friend that I introduced to nicepage and she put together part of a website. I want to export from her the website files and import them into my licensed version. We succesfully exported the...
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23 March 2023

Started 22 March 2023 by jttreadway

Ask a Question nicepage V5.7.9 not automatic update

Normally the new version will prompt to update software. My one is at V5.6.2. Once V5.7.9 coming up (Noticed by email), its is not prompt for update when I open the application as usual. Please...
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23 March 2023

Started 23 March 2023 by attason.k

Ask a Question Spam leads

On my leads page to the left of the delete icon is a column heading "spam" and below is a check box. I am not able to check it. What is the reason for this?
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27 March 2023

Started 23 March 2023 by btwj2i

Ask a Question Why can't I upgrade to version 5,17

Guys I open the application but the new update is not displayed
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Latest By MerlinAZ

25 March 2023

Started 25 March 2023 by mailovruslan8

Ask a Question Poor results on Google with Nicepage website

Dear Nicepage Team, Unfortunately, I am having serious problems getting my site indexed by Google, despite filling out the SEO info. The results on other search engines are even worse. One serious...
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30 March 2023

Started 26 March 2023 by dimitrivanderwerf