Ask a Question unable to upload and can't use google fonts

can I know the pricing if I have to get only fonts of latest version. This is very annoying that the fonts available to me earlier are not available anymore. I thought if we decide not to upgrade, we...
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Latest By Support Team

06 March 2023

Started 06 March 2023 by foreverglowupshop

Ask a Question thank you page redirection from contact from

thank you page redirection from contact from when hit on submit button from the form field
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Latest By Support Team

06 March 2023

Started 06 March 2023 by sales540

Ask a Question How to export edited nicepage design on my wordpress site back to my desktop nicepage editor

Hi, I created my Nicepage site using the desktop editor, then exported to my Wordpress website. I then have updated the pages over the months using the NicePage plugin to Wordpress. Now I need to...
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Latest By Support Team

09 March 2023

Started 06 March 2023 by RoboIQ Admin

Ask a Question hide the section below the footer

Hi, how can I hide the section "Website Templates created with Website Builder Software" below the footer? Thanks in advance Fabrizio
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Latest By BLU

07 March 2023

Started 06 March 2023 by BLU

Ask a Question The active theme has a version lower than the plugin version. Please update the theme too. -error

Hello, can i export the Wordpress theme into the desktop Nicepage App?? Or do I have to create the complete design again in nicepage? :( :(
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08 March 2023

Started 07 March 2023 by Stefan MAIL:

Ask a Question protect website with password on html version

I know this was talked in 2022. We are in 2023 and this is still not happening? This is going to happen anytime? I only do html websites (that's why I choosed nicepage). I need to protect an area...
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Latest By joaopeixoto

09 March 2023

Started 09 March 2023 by joaopeixoto

Ask a Question Conditions of use starter pack

Hello, if I use the starter plan, can I create a website in NicePage (without using themes) and then download the HTML version and put my website on my hosting using the page created in NicePage? Does...
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09 March 2023

Started 09 March 2023 by foxibizness


NOTICE! FOR EVERYONE'S INTEREST - SITE + DATABASE MIGRATION TO NEW HOSTING, NICEPAGE PLUGIN STOPS WORKING ( LOADING.......... ) Cordial greetings Nicepage community, I want to leave in this space of...
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13 March 2023

Started 09 March 2023 by etorres

Ask a Question Bar menu does not work

I published the website and the bar-menu looks like this - how I can fix it?
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10 March 2023

Started 09 March 2023 by olga.rakhmatulina

Ask a Question Shop system Documentation and more

Hello, first question. Is the support only in English or can I write in German in the future? Second question: If I want to create a store now in Nicepage and nothing else, that means I start with...
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13 March 2023

Started 11 March 2023 by onebiggerman

Report a bug HELP ! impossible to restore my backup

Hello I have a big problem : impossible to restore my backup ! i tried to import my zip file backup and a message for error "invalid nice page project file" appear. The zip file is not corrupt because...
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12 March 2023

Started 12 March 2023 by mondoncaroline

Ask a Question Click to Enlarge

I have plenty of artwork (jpg format) in my website. Instead of writing "click to enlarge", how to notify user to click it? - does Nicepage support mouse over message for PC version? - however,...
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13 March 2023

Started 13 March 2023 by wskdavid

Ask a Question How can I manage a multilanguage blog with nicepage ?

I am trying to include a dynamic 'blog posts' section on my homepage. However, I am unsure how to direct users to the correct language blog post. I have attempted to create different categories such...
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17 March 2023

Started 14 March 2023 by AleVGlez

Ask a Question Update my website

Hello, I made a website using Nicepage about two years ago. Today my client asked me to update some informations. I did it on the desktop editor but am forced to renew my subscribtion in order to...
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16 March 2023

Started 15 March 2023 by yoaldes

Ask a Question html download

Why I cannot download a static html?
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16 March 2023

Started 16 March 2023 by residencialelbercial