Ask a Question Importing theme in Wordpress

I'm getting the following message when trying to import my theme in Wordpress: The size of the exported zip fil is too big (over 11MB) See attachment. Why is this happening and what do I need to fix?
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Latest By Support Team

03 February 2023

Started 01 February 2023 by Tal Wilkins

Ask a Question Website converted from Integrator to Nicepage

Where do I find instructions on how to publish my finished Nicepage version to my serving and to my personal domain URL.
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Latest By MerlinAZ

02 February 2023

Started 01 February 2023 by vorris

Ask a Question Use under different system

Hello, I bought your product last year. I used it under Mac OS system. Now I change to windows system. Is this software still valid? I moved a website project which was created by your software to...
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Latest By Support Team

06 February 2023

Started 02 February 2023 by zgaunc

Ask a Question Update template does not show in Joomla

Hello, I've made some changes to my template/site (Joomla 4x) on the Nicepage desktop application. Then, after saving and exporting it as a theme (ZIP-file) I went to the Nicepage app in Joomla and...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

03 February 2023

Started 03 February 2023 by bobthebuilder

Report a bug Destop eror

The program even gives. I open it and it stays on the white screen.
13 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

13 February 2023

Started 03 February 2023 by serhanrecepce

Ask a Question Burger menu

Hi, I am creating a website in the desktop version of Nicepage. I have a full menu listing across the header in my home page which works fine when I publish. But when the menu collapses down to a...
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Latest By paul.fraine

05 February 2023

Started 05 February 2023 by paul.fraine

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Latest By MerlinAZ

05 February 2023

Started 05 February 2023 by yadnika.kotwal

Ask a Question Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese fonts

I need Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese fonts in the website. What are the supported fonts? I can't find any. Thanks.
6 Replies
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Latest By wskdavid

09 February 2023

Started 05 February 2023 by wskdavid

Ask a Question How come I am unable to edit my Home

Hi, I am unable to edit my Home page. Each time I click the Content > Article > "Home" (as attached), I am unable to click anything and suddenly this Lock icon appears. Please advise, how should...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

07 February 2023

Started 06 February 2023 by mshamid

Ask a Question Mobile Menu Problem

Hi, The mobile menu on my website is experiencing problems. I think this happened after some update. You can click on it. But It Flashes quickly and will not allow you to select any options. I have...
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Latest By Support Team

06 February 2023

Started 06 February 2023 by kostasatwork

Ask a Question Slug url of multilingual site

Hello, Am I able to use a subdirectory for my page like, example: .lt/en/ (my page is in Lithuanian language and the second language is English) Now the link urls of the english version end in,...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

08 February 2023

Started 07 February 2023 by m1nte

Ask a Question PHP mail

I used to be able to do this effortlessly and then there were some updates and PHP does not work no matter what. If I select regular email (not PHP) it works What exactly do I need to configure to...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

13 February 2023

Started 07 February 2023 by Stan Makrinos

Report a bug Cant Connect Custom Domain

I can't add back my custom domain. Please help.
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Latest By manish4092

25 April 2024

Started 09 February 2023 by pcpcongress

Report a bug MENU appears as Code content instead of readable text

Dear Support, When I edit the Menu in Wordpress (not in desktop editing), the menu appears instead of readable text a CSS code (see attached file). During editing mode, the menu appears correctly,...
2 Replies
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Latest By adam3342

09 February 2023

Started 09 February 2023 by adam3342

Ask a Question new computer - new instalation

Hello i bought new laptop- i know where all projects are - so: - it is safe to make new instalaction and transfer files between them with nicepage opened on two devices? i need some time to transfer...
10 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

17 February 2023

Started 11 February 2023 by jozi