Report a bug Download for Mac

Hello, I download the new version but when I startup NP, the window closed automatic. I can not work with your program. I work on Mac Mini with M1 processor. What can I do? I want test NP 3.0 Kind...
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Latest By Support Team

24 January 2023

Started 22 January 2023 by jos carremans

Ask a Question Layout issue

Good evening, I built my website using nicepage 4.2.6. when I try to update it I loose the layout of the pages. How can I solve it? I need to update the website from Joomla 3.10 to 4. Thank you VMB
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Latest By Support Team

24 January 2023

Started 23 January 2023 by bassivm

Ask a Question Images rename

Hello np, i have one more thing to add to the whishlist. Renaming used images. I have some google issues here because of the filenames of the images. It would be great to be able to rename used images...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

18 July 2024

Started 24 January 2023 by innovis_medienagentur

Ask a Question License issue

I have renewed my account but still not activated
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

25 January 2023

Started 24 January 2023 by WaamTech

Ask a Question Why???!!!

I recently checked my website and I got this message saying that the theme was lower than the plug in version, I know I have updated the theme before but my question is... why in the world can't the...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

26 January 2023

Started 25 January 2023 by americanprestigehi

Ask a Question NICEPAGE ... ✊🏻 Knock Knock ! ✊🏻 Is anyone there?

Dear NP team, we are evaluating NP and, as we have some serious doubts whether or not to adopt it in our development workflows, we received 4 days ago an e-mail (automatic, we suppose) directly from...
5 Replies
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Latest By AlexDex

30 January 2023

Started 25 January 2023 by AlexDex

Ask a Question can't export to HTML

can't export to HTML on web version with free account. 1 website 1 webpage asking m a premium "You need a premium plan to export a HTML."
6 Replies
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Latest By epellon

07 December 2023

Started 25 January 2023 by tohatemp

Ask a Question Formulaire personnalisé

Bonjour, quand on crée un formulaire vers un lien php personnalisé il ne semble pas possible de préciser la méthode "POST" et l'encryptage "MULTIPART FORM DATA" y a t il un moyen pour cela ? Merci.
2 Replies
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15 March 2023

Started 26 January 2023 by dawad89

Ask a Question Joomla positions NicePage Template Hi there, I am new her. Last week I signed up for the business edition of Nicepage. Now a first template is ready (see...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

07 February 2023

Started 27 January 2023 by BePe

Ask a Question Nicepage header and footer returning gobbledygook!

Hi I am just developing sub pages and all of a sudden my menu is returning weird things. I have selected Nicepage Header and Footer. {"container_class":"u-menu u-menu-dropdown u-offcanvas...
6 Replies
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Latest By enquiries26

30 January 2023

Started 27 January 2023 by enquiries26

Ask a Question Menu Error

Our menu shows the following error :while open the site. {"container_class":"u-align-left u-menu u-menu-one-level u-offcanvas u-menu-1","menu_class":"u-custom-font u-font-oswald u-nav u-spacing-2...
26 Replies
4 Votes

Latest By Support Team

02 February 2023

Started 27 January 2023 by marabeeindia

Report a bug Menu error in WP editor

Hello, I just edited a few links in the image guide in the online editor and after saving the menu disappeared. I'm really tired of checking everything on the site after every little edit to see if...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

30 January 2023

Started 27 January 2023 by regczm

Ask a Question Is it allowed to use the design in external web hosting?

Is it allowed to use the design in external web hosting?
5 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

27 January 2023

Started 27 January 2023 by sagiv.3166

Ask a Question code menu not run

how can i do to repaire the menu on ; ?
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27 January 2023

Started 27 January 2023 by joszik2

Ask a Question Menu is showing the html code and not just the menu.

I am working on a site for my game development studios. The HTML code of the menu is showing and the menu is hidden now. Does anyone know how to fix this?
9 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

30 January 2023

Started 27 January 2023 by martin.vandervliet