Ask a Question Import not working in desktop software

WE downloaded a project from nice page online editor to our desktop. Unzipped the file and uploaded the files to our hosting company, Godaddy. Outside contractor did on-page SEO on those files on...
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Latest By Support Team

05 December 2022

Started 03 December 2022 by 33 Property Management

Ask a Question Facing A Lot of Problems - Unable to Publish My Sites on NicePage Hosting

Ok. I purchased Ultimate Edition for Nice page. But My License is expired now. But I m not getting all premium features from previous version as well. I m not even able to publish my second website...
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Latest By Support Team

03 December 2022

Started 03 December 2022 by DStore 99

Ask a Question Licensing question

I need some clarification on how your licensing works. I paid for a Ultimate lifetime license account. This only carries 1 year of updates, so then I'm stuck with having to pay again to get the...
11 Replies
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19 April 2023

Started 03 December 2022 by newline

Ask a Question Overall scale

Greetings, I'll start off by saying that you have created some lovely software here. I admire it and plan on becoming a customer by the end of the month. While familiarizing myself with the Starter...
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Latest By ronilivid

05 December 2022

Started 04 December 2022 by ronilivid

Ask a Question Want to buy HTML template - How to do that?
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05 December 2022

Started 05 December 2022 by subhasish.flamingostech

Ask a Question Blank screen when i try to open page via nicepage on joomla site

Hi, I can not longer open/edit a pages on my website build with nicepage on a joomla CMS. Joomla version 3.10.11 Nicepage component 5.0.7 The pages are still visible on the front end (website exist...
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Latest By maarten

05 December 2022

Started 05 December 2022 by maarten

Report a bug Preview not start

Hi, If I press preview (Chrome or Forefox) nothing happens. It seems to be created the export however the page did not loaded in browser. Even the browser has not been opened. Please check it. I use...
4 Replies
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08 December 2022

Started 06 December 2022 by andrewatya

Ask a Question how to create custom post image and tittle auto linking

Hi I wonder is there any option available that I can use any of your custom block design to link auto replace the content and image with your custom block design or can i customise as that like a...
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14 May 2023

Started 07 December 2022 by sknvideo2008

Ask a Question Kategorien werden in Joomla nicht mehr angezeigt

Hallo, seit dem heutigen update werden Kategorien in Joomla nicht mehr angezeigt? mfg Helmut
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08 December 2022

Started 07 December 2022 by koenigse

Ask a Question nicepage not working

Not sure what is going on but today opening nicepage it is just stuck on loading.... I went ahead and install the update and not luck
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07 December 2022

Started 07 December 2022 by laniolsen2

Ask a Question No Updates

I think since I renewed I stopped getting updates. I used to get them I have V 5.0.7 Please let me know if this is the latest Thank you
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Latest By minnellif

08 December 2022

Started 07 December 2022 by Stan Makrinos

Ask a Question Not fressed header on non edited pages

Hello, I have a WP site, and after the first version of the header (what I made and save as WP theme on my desktop) I modofied the header section in the wp admin. But now, on the non edited-pages...
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Latest By Support Team

09 December 2022

Started 08 December 2022 by cegledi.ivan74

Ask a Question Incompatible Project

What are you doing to me - I opened NicePage and upgraded as usual and made a number of changes Tried to publish wouldn't let me because I had not yet paid for a further 12 months updates - need to...
3 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

09 December 2022

Started 08 December 2022 by CrowChess

Ask a Question mulit-language

Hi i would like to have multilingual page. I'm using nicepage plugin to wordpress, I've paid for nicepage. I can't find any option to add new language version of the site. Could you please explain me...
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09 December 2022

Started 08 December 2022 by

Ask a Question Cannot run nicepage

Hello, I have reiinstalled nicepage, I launch the application and when it opens a pop up comes up promting to log into outlook then hangs. I have to go to task manager and end the task to close it...
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12 December 2022

Started 09 December 2022 by malcolm362