Ask a Question error 500 in joomla after PHP update

Hi, After PHP update from 7 to 8, my Nicepage gives HTTP error 500 when i want to edit a Nicepage article. Joomla version 3.10 PHP version 8.0 Nicepage version 4.19.2. Hosting: So, on php...
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Latest By Support Team

17 October 2022

Started 14 October 2022 by JouwDesigner

Ask a Question Problem with submenu

Hi, i have buildt a few sites with submenu items, but in mobile, when i click in the father link it only open sub menu and not go to the page like in desktop version, why? For example, in...
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Latest By Support Team

18 October 2022

Started 15 October 2022 by labrobot2014

Report a bug failed to send request:"//" HTTP status-0

While I have been working for several hours on a website, ( Joomla 4 site, page construction with NP in-house), I suddenly find myself with this problem : failed to send...
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Latest By ibwireless

29 July 2023

Started 15 October 2022 by celinem

Ask a Question website url

I publish one of my projects and for some reason or mistake the website url stay and its not that what I want I want to stay as I have a costum...
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Latest By Support Team

18 October 2022

Started 15 October 2022 by pt350z

Report a bug It´s not possiblie to delete custom fonts

Hi, it´s not possible to delete custom fonts in the NP Desktop Version. You´ll be asked, if it´s okay to delete the font, but after clikcing "okay" the font still existes.
7 Replies
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Latest By kontakt27

17 October 2022

Started 17 October 2022 by kontakt27

Ask a Question NicePage aktivieren

Hallo, habe NicePage gekauft - wie aktiviere ich das Programm? Hatte vorher die gratis version - jetzt die Nicepage Pro - aber es läuft immer noch die gratis version
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Latest By info8605

17 October 2022

Started 17 October 2022 by info8605

Report a bug Image list Preview

Добрый день! Обратил внимание что в больших проектах, которые содержат множество изображений, в списке изображений для загрузки и вставки на страницу, отсутствует весь перечень изображений в проекте...
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Latest By Support Team

18 October 2022

Started 17 October 2022 by Vasiliy K.

Ask a Question Not able to install Nicepage-4.19.3.exe on Windows 10

Greetings, I am trying to install Nicepage-4.19.3.exe on Windows 10, however, the installation process starts with: License Agreement which I have reviewed and clicked on "I agree" Installing,...
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24 March 2023

Started 17 October 2022 by

Ask a Question Export html

Hi, i cannot export html proyect from the desktop app with the free version
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11 May 2023

Started 19 October 2022 by sergio.97pg

Ask a Question Abmahnung wegen Google Fonts

Hallo, ich habe heute eine Abmahnung bekommen weil auf der Website welche ich mit Nicepage erstellt habe Google Fonts genutzt werden, welche unerlaubt die IP Adresse an Google weiterleitet. WIe kann...
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Latest By Support Team

26 October 2022

Started 20 October 2022 by frankkoenig12

Wishlist Email Subject line

Hello, How can I change the Subject Line for the email submission from the webpage and "Message from the user"? Also, once I have the custom domain configured and the domain email, will the "noreply...
4 Replies
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16 December 2022

Started 20 October 2022 by dasignlady

Ask a Question I cannot publish website

please help i have license life time but why cant publish website? you said five website
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20 October 2022

Started 20 October 2022 by robinhossain

Ask a Question Update

Hello, where can I update, writes me : " The active theme has a version lower than the plug-in version. Update the topic, too." but I can't find this update plug-in anywhere. I'm asking for your...
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Latest By Support Team

21 October 2022

Started 21 October 2022 by Andrea Mazzoleni

Ask a Question Project Folder has dissappeared

When I open up Nicepage, it cannot find my project folder. Allow me to explain my situation. 1) I have not deleted anything from the project folder location. My html files are still there. 2) The...
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Latest By Support Team

24 October 2022

Started 21 October 2022 by isaiahb022

Ask a Question Is it allowed to earn money with a Nicepage page through Google advertising?

I want to start a business and use Nicepage for our website. Can I now earn money through Google ads on my site even though I have not purchased the Pro version?
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Latest By Support Team

22 October 2022

Started 21 October 2022 by mats.s.kottmann