Report a bug Destroyed projects after update

Hello, after updating the desktop app to version 4.18.5 several projects are completely destroyed. See attached.
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Latest By Support Team

07 October 2022

Started 03 October 2022 by regczm

Ask a Question external links in html files

Hello, good morning, within the free version of nice page, you can export a 5 page site to html format, I was able to visualize through a text editor, that html files have external access to nice...
10 Replies
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05 October 2022

Started 04 October 2022 by vrpatagonia

Ask a Question HEader

Hello! I own the website I am trying to modify the header because my logo appears very big. Even if I delete from Wordpress back end of Nicepage it remains so big and...
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06 October 2022

Started 05 October 2022 by me.photoforyou

Report a bug Nicepage desktop application is crashing

The online builder works perfectly. Have tried to install the desktop app couple times and still when I open it the "loading" message appears and then It crashes instantly. I have no idea why this is...
8 Replies
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07 October 2022

Started 06 October 2022 by drippunksmeta

Report a bug ERROR 70

Hello, I'm getting an ERROR 70 when opening nicepage 4.19 on macOS. Attached image
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Latest By Support Team

07 October 2022

Started 07 October 2022 by alpesdata

Ask a Question Desktop design app only?

Hi there, I already have my own web hosting and domain. How can I purchase your Nicepage Desktop app (for Mac) by itself? ie. I do not want hosting, only the design app.
6 Replies
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Latest By rvross

08 October 2022

Started 07 October 2022 by rvross

Ask a Question Create a Blog in Desktop Version - Complete tutorial

Is there any tutorial on how to create and integrate the blog element in a site? I look for an A-Z step by step tutorial since I do not have any experience with that. Thanks
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Latest By Support Team

10 October 2022

Started 09 October 2022 by v.arnold999

Ask a Question Export Project in zip file

Buongiorno, perché non va più l'export in zip file del mio progetto, ma mi chiede di acquistare la versione premiun, prima funziona, non è corretto. Io devo fare un progetti di sole 3 pagine. Grazie...
3 Replies
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11 October 2022

Started 10 October 2022 by dany.strepp

Ask a Question Joomla upgrade fails when Nicepage is installed

Dear, I am attempting to upgrade my Joomla from ‎3.10.11 to 4.2.3 with Nicepage Business version 4.19.2 installed. The upgrade fails whenever Nicepage is still installed when upgrading. The upgrade...
2 Replies
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Latest By maartenxbosmans

19 October 2022

Started 10 October 2022 by maartenxbosmans

Ask a Question hide menu items in different languages

I have an order form from a third party. Embedded with HTML. The form is in Dutch but also appears on the English pages. Can I hide this page and add a new (English) version? Or is it possible to hide...
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Latest By Support Team

11 October 2022

Started 10 October 2022 by kees

Ask a Question Linux Questions. Running on Crossover but with some minor issues.

Ok I'll preface this with I know this is not a Linux native app and the devs have no plan to make it Linux native. (grumble grumble) Be that as it may I paid for this while I was still running windows...
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Latest By celinem

11 October 2022

Started 11 October 2022 by BecomeSovran

Ask a Question Using Nicepage at home and at work

I am hoping that there is a way to use Nicepage on the same websites from home and work. I would only be using Nicepage at one location at a time, obviously. I stated using NP at home recreating a...
7 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

02 November 2022

Started 13 October 2022 by phil10242

Ask a Question Which premium plan do I need?

Hi, I have nice page set up and created a website on my mac. I have a friend who uses a PC and will be doing some work on the website for me. If I purchase the 'Personal' premium plan will I be able...
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14 October 2022

Started 14 October 2022 by snrichardson.90

Wishlist Nicepage Affiliate Program | CZ promo site

Hi, could the link from Nicepage Affiliate Program be made for the Czech version? Nicepage has great potential in the Czech Republic and I would like to promote it here in that way. I can also get...
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Latest By Support Team

17 October 2022

Started 14 October 2022 by Lukas Jirman

Ask a Question Question About Sites & Pop Up Limits

I don't really understand this and would welcome some clarification, please... As a Pro version user I see that I have an unilimited number of unhosted sites. By "unhosted" I am assuming that is...
2 Replies
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Latest By barryrodgers

15 October 2022

Started 14 October 2022 by barryrodgers