Ask a Question Can not to edit pages after update to Joomla 4.22

Hi, I can not to edit pages after update Joomla to last version 4.22. All buttons is not active Please, see a video
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07 September 2022

Started 05 September 2022 by

Ask a Question Joomla theme problem

Hi, I have made the theme with the NicePage program and in Joomla 3.10 version it works as it should (foto-01.jpg) When I update Joomla to version 4.2.2 and use the version 4.x theme, the page...
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26 September 2022

Started 05 September 2022 by Jari.L

Ask a Question JOOMLA V4.2.2

CONFIRM IF YOU CAN UPDATE JOOMLA TO V4.2.2?, HAVING NICEPACE PLUGIN AND DESKTOP V4.17. Cordial saludo equipo de Nicepace. Teniendo la experiencia, que con cada actualización con Joomla, genera a...
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07 September 2022

Started 06 September 2022 by etorres

Ask a Question index Problem

After Updating to the latest version i am not able to name the homepage "index". Message pops up: Reserved page name, is used. Worked fine in older versions. Any solutions? Thx Ralf
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07 September 2022

Started 07 September 2022 by innovis_medienagentur

Ask a Question Can I create an Online shop with Nicepage?

Hello, First of all, I want to thank you for the amazing work that you are doing and for this awesome website builder that is Nicepage! I have been looking for such a website builder for years, and...
3 Replies
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Latest By voodoo

09 October 2022

Started 09 September 2022 by ionutbuhagiar

Ask a Question Waste of time

So after hours of carefully creating an 'About us' page, you tell me I have to pay for it? When initially you said it was free to create and have blah blah blah. So it's a paid app? No free version...
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Latest By contact.420aplenty

14 September 2022

Started 09 September 2022 by contact.420aplenty

Ask a Question Nicepage migrate site from Joomla 3.xx to Joomla 4.xx

Hi, I have a couple of sites made with NP that all are Joomla 3.xx. All sites are originally made in the desktop version and then moved to the joomla site. As all sites are uppdated on the on-line...
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26 January 2023

Started 12 September 2022 by mickeHyman

Ask a Question mail

hello, I have a problem with the contact form that I put on a site. I would like it to be sent to an email, and in the "send > email" section I have entered the email that should receive the...
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12 September 2022

Started 12 September 2022 by DGWEB

Ask a Question How to modify nicepage.js for a different img to be downloaded

Hi team, great app first of all - really appreciate your work. I went down a rabbit hole of trying to get Nicepage.js to load a different jpg than what I have in my source code but can't get out of it...
3 Replies
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Latest By sandro.baechler

13 September 2022

Started 12 September 2022 by sandro.baechler

Ask a Question Intrebari

Hello, Before starting to build a site on Nicepage, I want to ask you a few questions: - what is the cost of me building a website; -over what period of time an amount is paid; -do I have to have my...
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13 September 2022

Started 12 September 2022 by macinicmaci

Ask a Question link files larger than 10 Mb

I am designing a web site with Desktop version. It doesn't allow to link files bigger than 10 MB. How can I overcome this limitation? Thank you.
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14 September 2022

Started 13 September 2022 by sergigamizribelles

Ask a Question Questions about adjustments

Sirs, Just so I don't go down the wrong path before I spend too much time mocking up a web page... I have some questions: 1) Can I add in : Font Awesome Icons? 2) Can I change/add/use Google...
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15 September 2022

Started 14 September 2022 by wjt

Ask a Question About the license

Hi I bought a lifetime license and now after a year it appears that the license has expired! But when I purchased it was written that this license is for life!!!!
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16 September 2022

Started 15 September 2022 by Mahdi T.

Ask a Question Nicepage and Astra in Wordpress

Hi there, I have a similar issue as the following: Hello, I have put together a Nicepage website with a few pages that I upload through Wordpress, which works fine (I currently use the free version,...
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19 September 2022

Started 15 September 2022 by maropeng16

Ask a Question Altered Page Names

Wondering if anyone can tell me why simple page names are being altered upon ftp upload? For example a page on my site entitled 'Individual' uploads as...
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19 September 2022

Started 16 September 2022 by troy502