Report a bug Google Sheets doesn't work

Google Sheets doesn't work. Can you solve it please. I need this functionality.
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Latest By marote7338

08 September 2022

Started 28 August 2022 by marote7338

Ask a Question How to create a PHP page for a multi-languge site with Nicepage for HTML

The Nicepage WYSIWYG editor offers the insertion of a block of PHP code in a page, but unfortunately, this works directly only for exportation to Joomla and WordPress. There is no native way to create...
2 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By v.piasta

29 August 2022

Started 29 August 2022 by v.piasta

Ask a Question New Release

When will the new version be released?
2 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

29 August 2022

Started 29 August 2022 by matthew.hejazi

Ask a Question whats app chat button

when I insert the WhatsApp chat button after finalizing the web and after hosting on the domain (c panel ) WhatsApp button does not work when I click on it a message appears that (make a call from )....
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Latest By Support Team

30 August 2022

Started 30 August 2022 by aerocombbc

Ask a Question website online

how can I make all of my website code available through the online version?
3 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

30 August 2022

Started 30 August 2022 by bernie

Ask a Question Joomla Update 4.2.1

Joomla Update 4.2.1 is out. It reports that Nicepage plugins and extension are incompatible with the target Joomla version. I am also surprised to see that the plugins are version 1.0.0 as per...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

01 September 2022

Started 31 August 2022 by fpsteiner

Ask a Question My sites dissapeared after update Nicepage, can't retrieve them

Hi, After starting up my Mac and Nicepage I got a prompt to update Nicepage (update aug 24th). After restarting Nicepage all 'My Sites' on the left side were gone. Checking the forum on similar...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

02 September 2022

Started 31 August 2022 by An3s

Ask a Question What happens after my susbcription ends?

What happens with my website which I host on a custom domain after my subscription ends? Will it get deleted or would I just not be able to make any updates to the site after it ends?
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

31 August 2022

Started 31 August 2022 by milandevlieger

Ask a Question Нужна инструкция по применению меню языков

Добрый день. Прошу помочь как разобраться с применением языкового меню для сайта. Изначально я изготовил сайт на русском, теперь готовлю версию на румынском языке. Делаю это на основе русской копии и...
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Latest By Support Team

01 September 2022

Started 31 August 2022 by marketing.gelibert

Report a bug i can´t use de submenus

Hello, I have bought the paid version but when I want to use a submenu of a section in my navigation bar I do the breakdown of the cascade but when I want to see the function of going inside the...
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Latest By Support Team

01 September 2022

Started 01 September 2022 by

Ask a Question Hyperlinks in Grid are not Working anymore.

Hi, since today there is no more working Hyperlink in Grid´s. Is there any issue to solve intern? Greetings from Germany
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Latest By Support Team

01 September 2022

Started 01 September 2022 by FFW Röthenbach

Ask a Question Compatibilities

What would be your best advice if I want to use your HTML Website Builder for building html pages for an intern site of a state owned agency? The thing is that Internet Explorer (11) is still largely...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

02 September 2022

Started 01 September 2022 by jphg

Ask a Question author footer

hello, how can delete or modify author in footer? when i create a template i want to change that .designed by wmd for exemple
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

03 September 2022

Started 03 September 2022 by bogdan.savastre

Report a bug Nicepage PHP web site form submit HTML tage error in template

Hi, I've discovered the "Send email with PHP Script" contains two < /head> tags after each other that is causing unformated emails to arrive in my inbox. see below the two <...
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Latest By Support Team

05 September 2022

Started 03 September 2022 by cuttbuff

Ask a Question I'm interested in the plugin and the membership, but the hosting that is added in the package is just extra bloat that I don't need.....

I'm interested in the plugin and the membership, but the hosting that is added in the package is just extra bloat that I don't need or want. I want the Pro Package, but half of what is included is...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

03 September 2022

Started 03 September 2022 by