Website export

6 Posts
atlasforexgrouplive posted this 10 July 2023
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Hello, I would like to ask you for a detailed tutorial how to download my website from wordpress nicepage plugin and export it to your desktop app.

Thank you, M.V.

Hello, I would like to ask you for a detailed tutorial how to download my website from wordpress nicepage plugin and export it to your desktop app. Thank you, M.V.
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 10 July 2023

Hello Martin,

Thanks for reaching out to us

Unfortunately, in Nicepage this option is not available and you can’t export all your Wordpress website. But you can export it by blocks and import into your Nicepage Desktop app.

Check the similar ticket below

Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Martin, Thanks for reaching out to us Unfortunately, in Nicepage this option is not available and you can’t export all your Wordpress website. But you can export it by blocks and import into your Nicepage Desktop app. Check the similar ticket below ................................................... Sincerely, Ahmad. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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