
1 Posts
Wollnet posted this 28 June 2023
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Dear Support,

I want to know if the features for instance on the PERSONAL package on Block Layouts which is 200 is per site or for the five sites.

Can I migrate form subscription to license at any time and what is the cost implication. Also, what is the upgrade cost if you are moving for one Package to another.


Dear Support, I want to know if the features for instance on the PERSONAL package on Block Layouts which is 200 is per site or for the five sites. Can I migrate form subscription to license at any time and what is the cost implication. Also, what is the upgrade cost if you are moving for one Package to another. Thanks.
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2769 Posts
MerlinAZ posted this 28 June 2023

The block layouts are the ones you have access to, not how many you can use.
Upgrade cost is the difference in the first month.
After that it is more since the one year of updates is extended.

The block layouts are the ones you have access to, not how many you can use. Upgrade cost is the difference in the first month. After that it is more since the one year of updates is extended.
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