shopping template

13 Posts
farooqalbahar7 posted this 20 June 2023
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Hello, is there a design template for an online shopping website, so that I can easily list a product and be purchased by the customer? Like Amazon and Alibaba? I need that please


Hello, is there a design template for an online shopping website, so that I can easily list a product and be purchased by the customer? Like Amazon and Alibaba? I need that please Thanks, Farooq
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 20 June 2023

Hello Farooq,
Thanks for choosing Nicepage!

You could check all available pre-made templates here, also you can use keywords or categories.
As an example, you can check the store templates here.
Negat Veri
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Farooq, Thanks for choosing Nicepage! You could check all available pre-made templates [here][1], also you can use keywords or categories. As an example, you can check the store templates [here][2]. ................................................... Sincerely, Negat Veri Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook: [1]: [2]:
13 Posts
farooqalbahar7 posted this 21 June 2023

Hi Negat,

Many thanks for your response and explanation, I know about the templates, but I meant how to complete the store process like add to cart / payment. Like that. I appreciate if you could explain me more.

Thanks and regards,

Hi Negat, Many thanks for your response and explanation, I know about the templates, but I meant how to complete the store process like add to cart / payment. Like that. I appreciate if you could explain me more. Thanks and regards, Farooq
Support Team
Support Team posted this 22 June 2023

Hello Farooq,

For this you may use Virtuemart component for Joomla or Woocommerce plugin for Wordress. With Nicepage Pro you can build pages with WooCommerce and VirtueMart Product List and Product Details.
Ashley C.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Farooq, For this you may use Virtuemart component for Joomla or Woocommerce plugin for Wordress. With Nicepage Pro you can build pages with WooCommerce and VirtueMart Product List and Product Details. ................................................... Sincerely, Ashley C. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
13 Posts
farooqalbahar7 posted this 23 June 2023

Dear Ashley,

Many thanks for your assist. If there is any instructional or learning video, please share it with me.

Best regards,

Dear Ashley, Many thanks for your assist. If there is any instructional or learning video, please share it with me. Best regards, Farooq
Support Team
Support Team posted this 23 June 2023

Hello Farooq,

Sorry we don't have videos on this, but just follow the standard Woocommerce or Virtuemart documentation steps to install and activate the plugin. However we have articles on specific templates for Ecommerce websites:

Let us kow if any questions appear in process.
Ashley C.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Farooq, Sorry we don't have videos on this, but just follow the standard Woocommerce or Virtuemart documentation steps to install and activate the plugin. However we have articles on specific templates for Ecommerce websites: Let us kow if any questions appear in process. ................................................... Sincerely, Ashley C. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
13 Posts
farooqalbahar7 posted this 03 July 2023

Dear Ashley,

Sorry for delay in thank you, just another question, so that mean I standard Woocommerce or Virtuemart documentation online only and using Nicepage plugin. But I cant do that by using Nicepage desktop app right? because there is no way to install the plugin by using desktop app.


Dear Ashley, Sorry for delay in thank you, just another question, so that mean I standard Woocommerce or Virtuemart documentation online only and using Nicepage plugin. But I cant do that by using Nicepage desktop app right? because there is no way to install the plugin by using desktop app. Best, Farooq
Support Team
Support Team posted this 03 July 2023

Hi Farooq,

Woocommerce and VirtueMart are components for WordPress and Joomla CMS. They cannot be installed on Nicepage Desktop.
Once you installed and configured a webshop using one of these components on CMS, you can install the Nicepage theme with e-commerce templates or create Nicepage pages with e-commerce elements. All Nicepage e-commerce elements use the existing Woocommerce and VirtueMart products. Nicepage itself does not provide a built-in e-commerce component.
Please let us know if you have any further questions.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi Farooq, Woocommerce and VirtueMart are components for WordPress and Joomla CMS. They cannot be installed on Nicepage Desktop. Once you installed and configured a webshop using one of these components on CMS, you can install the Nicepage theme with e-commerce templates or create Nicepage pages with e-commerce elements. All Nicepage e-commerce elements use the existing Woocommerce and VirtueMart products. Nicepage itself does not provide a built-in e-commerce component. Please let us know if you have any further questions. ................................................... Sincerely, Olivia Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
13 Posts
farooqalbahar7 posted this 03 July 2023

Dear Olivia,

Many thanks, appreciate your assist.

Best regards,

Dear Olivia, Many thanks, appreciate your assist. Best regards, Farooq
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