Product quality problem

1 Posts
heaven posted this 24 February 2023
Report a bug

1 - Sur la version 5.5 ultimate, comment rendre une image transparente ?
Ai tout essayé, et je n'ai rien trouvé.

2 - Pourquoi stocker les sites sur vos serveurs, alors que je n'ai rien demandé et que mes noms de domaines sont déjà attachés à des serveurs DNS compétents ?

3 - Nicepage cherche à adresser un email de contrôle qui ne fonctionne pas.
Je n'ai aucun problème de messagerie.
Pour infos, le port d'envoi est 465 SSL.
1 - On version 5.5 ultimate, how to make an image transparent?
Tried everything, and found nothing.

2 - Why store the sites on your servers, when I didn't ask for anything and my domain names are already attached to competent DNS servers?

3 - Nicepage tries to send a control email which does not work.
I have no email problem.
For information, the sending port is 465 SSL.

**FRENCH VERSION** 1 - Sur la version 5.5 ultimate, comment rendre une image transparente ? Ai tout essayé, et je n'ai rien trouvé. 2 - Pourquoi stocker les sites sur vos serveurs, alors que je n'ai rien demandé et que mes noms de domaines sont déjà attachés à des serveurs DNS compétents ? 3 - Nicepage cherche à adresser un email de contrôle qui ne fonctionne pas. Je n'ai aucun problème de messagerie. Pour infos, le port d'envoi est 465 SSL. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **ENGLISH VERSION** 1 - On version 5.5 ultimate, how to make an image transparent? Tried everything, and found nothing. 2 - Why store the sites on your servers, when I didn't ask for anything and my domain names are already attached to competent DNS servers? 3 - Nicepage tries to send a control email which does not work. I have no email problem. For information, the sending port is 465 SSL.
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 27 February 2023

Hi Alain,

Sorry for the delay.

On version 5.5 ultimate, how to make an image transparent?

Is it an Image element or an element background image?
The Image element supports the "Transparency" option. The background image itself does nit have a transparency option.

Why store the sites on your servers, when I didn't ask for anything and my domain names are already attached to competent DNS servers?

You do not have to publish websites to Nicepage hosting if you already purchased hosting space for your websites. In this case please use HTML or CMS export options and upload the exported website to your hosting.

Why store the sites on your servers, when I didn't ask for anything and my domain names are already attached to competent DNS servers?

Do you mean the email verification function for the Form element?
We tested this feature on our side and it works ok. Please make sure that this email is not in the spam folder.
Is it a mailbox on the corporate mail server or a cloud mail server like Gmail, for example?

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi Alain, Sorry for the delay. > On version 5.5 ultimate, how to make an image transparent? Is it an Image element or an element background image? The Image element supports the "Transparency" option. The background image itself does nit have a transparency option. > Why store the sites on your servers, when I didn't ask for anything and my domain names are already attached to competent DNS servers? You do not have to publish websites to Nicepage hosting if you already purchased hosting space for your websites. In this case please use HTML or CMS export options and upload the exported website to your hosting. > Why store the sites on your servers, when I didn't ask for anything and my domain names are already attached to competent DNS servers? Do you mean the email verification function for the Form element? We tested this feature on our side and it works ok. Please make sure that this email is not in the spam folder. Is it a mailbox on the corporate mail server or a cloud mail server like Gmail, for example? ................................................... Sincerely, Olivia Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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