Realtime Chat or whatsapp Bot

Qaranbeesh Trading Group LLC
2 Posts
Qaranbeesh Trading Group LLC posted this 13 February 2023
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How can i add chat option or whatsapp bot system in my page kindly assist

How can i add chat option or whatsapp bot system in my page kindly assist
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 13 February 2023


You can use some external code from other vendors and insert it in the HTML control to appear on your page. Use the instructions from the code developer on how to insert it on the page.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, You can use some external code from other vendors and insert it in the HTML control to appear on your page. Use the instructions from the code developer on how to insert it on the page. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
Qaranbeesh Trading Group LLC
2 Posts
Qaranbeesh Trading Group LLC posted this 22 March 2023

Ultimate plain for website payment its would be onetime payments or annually i have to pay and renew
also i need to add arabic language as well in website how can i add it please let me know

Ultimate plain for website payment its would be onetime payments or annually i have to pay and renew also i need to add arabic language as well in website how can i add it please let me know
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