intlTelInput added to my web site

16 Posts
info80272 posted this 04 February 2023
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Why is folder intlTelInput added to my web site ?

Why is folder intlTelInput added to my web site ?
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 04 February 2023

Thanks for using Nicepage!

This folder needed to check that entered values in your form Phone Field to be assured that they are real international numbers and this folder includes the code to check it.
Please tell us if you still have any questions - we will be glad to help.

Negat Veri
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello, Thanks for using Nicepage! This folder needed to check that entered values in your form Phone Field to be assured that they are real international numbers and this folder includes the code to check it. Please tell us if you still have any questions - we will be glad to help. ................................................... Sincerely, Negat Veri Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
16 Posts
info80272 posted this 07 February 2023

But, I don't have any such form in that site.

But, I don't have any such form in that site.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 08 February 2023


In any case these files may be needed if you decide to add some form on your site with the phone number field.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, In any case these files may be needed if you decide to add some form on your site with the phone number field. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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