Registered User Question

8 Posts
tcndicklees posted this 04 February 2023
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Hello I am a registered User, and am going reload my machine, and need yo know how to save my current sites inside the Nicepage software, and one im reload Nicepsge software, how to I import them back into the software?

Hello I am a registered User, and am going reload my machine, and need yo know how to save my current sites inside the Nicepage software, and one im reload Nicepsge software, how to I import them back into the software?
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 04 February 2023


Thanks for contacting us

We are glad that you asked this question before :)

You can export your websites as projects, save them somewhere, and later on import them back to the Nicepage.


As a second option, you can go to the ...Documents/Nicepage and save all the projects folder that looks like Site_######, again save them somewhere, and later on after reinstallation of the Nicepage Desktop app you can keep them in the same place.

Hope it makes sense.

Thank you
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello, Thanks for contacting us We are glad that you asked this question before :) You can export your websites as projects, save them somewhere, and later on import them back to the Nicepage. !1export-project.png! As a second option, you can go to the ...Documents/Nicepage and save all the projects folder that looks like Site_######, again save them somewhere, and later on after reinstallation of the Nicepage Desktop app you can keep them in the same place. Hope it makes sense. Thank you ................................................... Sincerely, Ahmad. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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