website address

2 Posts
m.anthony.lewis posted this 03 February 2023
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Hi, in our example on this page:

When you put in the website adddress, you get an error if you use "." like you do in the example or "-"

So, even your example domainname does not work. Any suggestions?

Hi, in our example on this page: When you put in the website adddress, you get an error if you use "." like you do in the example or "-" So, even your example domainname does not work. Any suggestions?
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2 Replies
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2 Posts
m.anthony.lewis posted this 03 February 2023

Ok, I found an easy workaround. The documentation just confused me for a sec...

Ok, I found an easy workaround. The documentation just confused me for a sec...
Support Team
Support Team posted this 04 February 2023


We are glad to hear that you found the workaround.
Please tell us do you still have any other questions?
Negat Veri
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello, We are glad to hear that you found the workaround. Please tell us do you still have any other questions? ................................................... Sincerely, Negat Veri Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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