Missing URL logo effecting visibility in Google

13 Posts
dimitrivanderwerf posted this 21 January 2023
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Dear Nicepage team,

I am receiving an error message by google https://search.google.com/search-console/r/logos/drilldown?resource_id=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.classicalnow.nl%2F&item_key=CgcICRoDdXJsEAMYEw&sharing_key=n7clHn0IK53LtKesYKnZVg

The URL of my logo is missing. It is an old issue with Nicepage-websites that is not fixed.

You suggest to input the URL as canonical link, but my website is bilingual. Does it mean that te secondary English version of my webpage is not indexed by Google?

Please enlighten me. My website is not covered well by Google. Coul the missing URL of the logo be the culprit? If so I might consider not having the English version of my webpage indexed. I must say that would be quite frustrating.

Any plans to deal with this issue?

Dear Nicepage team, I am receiving an error message by google https://search.google.com/search-console/r/logos/drilldown?resource_id=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.classicalnow.nl%2F&item_key=CgcICRoDdXJsEAMYEw&sharing_key=n7clHn0IK53LtKesYKnZVg The URL of my logo is missing. It is an old issue with Nicepage-websites that is not fixed. You suggest to input the URL as canonical link, but my website is bilingual. Does it mean that te secondary English version of my webpage is not indexed by Google? Please enlighten me. My website is not covered well by Google. Coul the missing URL of the logo be the culprit? If so I might consider not having the English version of my webpage indexed. I must say that would be quite frustrating. Any plans to deal with this issue?
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3 Replies
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7 Posts
marketing564 posted this 23 January 2023

Placing the root url of your website in the canonical link via the seo site settings will fix the url missing for Google search console. As long as Google is crawling your website the English section should still be crawled once it crawls the root.

The only issue for me and probably you is that we can't upload an xml sitemap so each url will have to be entered into the search console manually and requested to be crawled.


Placing the root url of your website in the canonical link via the seo site settings will fix the url missing for Google search console. As long as Google is crawling your website the English section should still be crawled once it crawls the root. The only issue for me and probably you is that we can't upload an xml sitemap so each url will have to be entered into the search console manually and requested to be crawled. Geluk
13 Posts
dimitrivanderwerf posted this 23 January 2023

Why is it impossible to upload a site map?

Why is it impossible to upload a site map?
Support Team
Support Team posted this 24 January 2023

Hi Dimitri,

We'll consider your suggestion to have logo URL. As for the sitemap, Nicepage does not have such an option, but you can upload it manually after installing the site on hosting.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi Dimitri, We'll consider your suggestion to have logo URL. As for the sitemap, Nicepage does not have such an option, but you can upload it manually after installing the site on hosting. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp
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