paid up in full, I do not need to pay again

13 Posts
victor1221 posted this 09 January 2023
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I am trying to publish my web site from Nicepage I full licensing premium status and a wild card and someone is telling me to pay again. Having paid something like £250 to publish a very small HTML web site something is wrong something.
Sonner or later I need to be able to talk to someone by email or maybe the Ombudsman's man can unclog things.

I am trying to publish my web site from Nicepage I full licensing premium status and a wild card and someone is telling me to pay again. Having paid something like £250 to publish a very small HTML web site something is wrong something. Sonner or later I need to be able to talk to someone by email or maybe the Ombudsman's man can unclog things.
Vote to pay developers attention to this features or issue.
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2769 Posts
MerlinAZ posted this 09 January 2023

If you have a lifetime license, you can use it indefinitely.
Don’t update after the last version in the link.
Nicepage hosting is only included for a year.

If you have a lifetime license, you can use it indefinitely. Don’t update after the last version in the link. Nicepage hosting is only included for a year.

Last edited 09 January 2023 by MerlinAZ

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