Report a bug Issues with the Contact form

Hello, I have an issue with the FORM to send emails using Nicepage version 4.3.3 I have configured the FORM following and I have...
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Latest By WPI

31 July 2024

Started 01 February 2022 by americangigi

Ask a Question Formular gibt keine Reaktion bei Submit

Yesterday the form was still working. I uploaded the data from my nicepage app via FTP. The link from the form led to "contact.php" on my domain ""....
3 Replies
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Latest By RaymondJal

09 September 2022

Started 19 February 2020 by mahmoudnia35

Ask a Question Custom PHP Forms in Wordpress?

This is not really a Nicepage question, rather a Wordpress questions for any other Wordpress developers who might be out there. I’m currently using WordPress with the Nicepage page builder. I’m...
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

04 June 2021

Started 02 June 2021 by shane53

Ask a Question can't send emails

Why is it so difficult to send an email from a form?? WHY? It took me several hours but I can't get sending an email from a form working. I just can't. You need to hassle with some kind of PHP code....
18 Replies
6 Votes

Latest By Support Team

10 December 2020

Started 28 January 2020 by jonas.blaha2

Ask a Question Form with PHP script - gmail blocks the email and I found out why, but need your help

Hi NicePeople! ;) OK, I've now spent 4 days on this but have found out why gmail blocks the emails sent out by your forms. In short: gmail checks if the FROM: email account actually exists, and if...
4 Replies
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Latest By Franco1s

05 March 2020

Started 05 March 2020 by Franco1s