Create position - in content section

28 Posts
project.kukang posted this 03 May 2020
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please can you help me how to create new possition in Nicepage and move it to Joomla?

I follow these steps from your manula:
But I think the field where to put position name was renamed and now I don't understand how it work.
As you can see in screen there is something about Existing Position name.

I follow manual. Create Position in Nicepage,create name (example: "NewsPos") and import it to joomla. But there when I go to modules and want to create new "custom" module so there is no option in position with name "NewsPos". There is only Hmenu and position-sidebar.

So please, can you help me, how to create position in nicepage?

Hello, please can you help me how to create new possition in Nicepage and move it to Joomla? I follow these steps from your manula: But I think the field where to put position name was renamed and now I don't understand how it work. As you can see in screen there is something about Existing Position name. I follow manual. Create Position in Nicepage,create name (example: "NewsPos") and import it to joomla. But there when I go to modules and want to create new "custom" module so there is no option in position with name "NewsPos". There is only Hmenu and position-sidebar. So please, can you help me, how to create position in nicepage?
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5 Replies
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363 Posts
Ch3vr0n posted this 03 May 2020

Content positions like that don't show up in the module manager as they're custom module positions but they DO exist. Simply enter the name as you made it in nicepage and press ENTER so the position is specified. Save & close. The content should now show up. Done it plenty

Content positions like that don't show up in the module manager as they're custom module positions but they DO exist. Simply enter the name as you made it in nicepage and press ENTER so the position is specified. Save & close. The content should now show up. Done it plenty
Support Team
Support Team posted this 06 May 2020


Please note that the module position is the theme element. You cannot CREATE the theme element in the content. These are two different entities. But Joomla allows displaying module even if the used position does not exist in the theme. By default, you can do it with loadposition Joomla shortcode. Nicepage provides Position control for this. So, please use the solution provided above to display the module in the position that does not exist in the theme.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Please note that the module position is the theme element. You cannot CREATE the theme element in the content. These are two different entities. But Joomla allows displaying module even if the used position does not exist in the theme. By default, you can do it with loadposition Joomla shortcode. Nicepage provides Position control for this. So, please use the solution provided above to display the module in the position that does not exist in the theme. ................................................... Sincerely, Olivia Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
28 Posts
project.kukang posted this 08 May 2020

Thanks, I add new position to my page and there I can add module. But I dont know why when I click on k2 item I move to page with article but in header missing menu. I have in header only logo image. And its possible to put something right under header?

I dont understand how to work with post theme in Joomla. I set something in theme but this is not in post which I create with K2 module.

Thanks, I add new position to my page and there I can add module. But I dont know why when I click on k2 item I move to page with article but in header missing menu. I have in header only logo image. And its possible to put something right under header? I dont understand how to work with post theme in Joomla. I set something in theme but this is not in post which I create with K2 module.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 21 May 2020


Describe your problem in more detail with screenshots and project archive

Nicepage Support Team

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Frantisek, Describe your problem in more detail with screenshots and project archive ................................................... Sincerely, Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
46 Posts
jes777 posted this 19 April 2021

Please work through these tutorials

Please work through these tutorials
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