Menu and Footer

23 Posts
josesalloum posted this 31 March 2024
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Dear Nicepage Support Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to you as a long-standing and committed user of Nicepage and before that, Artisteer. Over the years, I have deeply appreciated the innovation and flexibility that your platform offers, enabling me to create and design with ease and efficiency. Your dedication to providing a user-friendly experience has always been evident, and it is one of the reasons I continue to choose Nicepage for my projects.

However, as I have navigated through various updates and utilized the breadth of your features, I've encountered some areas where I believe there is a substantial opportunity for improvement, particularly regarding the platform's menu and footer functionalities.

Menu Functionality Enhancements:
The navigation menu plays a crucial role in the user experience of any website, acting as the roadmap for visitors. I have found that while the current menu functionality serves basic needs, it could greatly benefit from enhanced customization options. These include more dynamic and responsive designs, easier integration with various content sections, and improved mobile responsiveness. Elevating the menu's functionality will undoubtedly enrich the user experience and offer designers like myself more freedom to tailor our creations to our specific vision.

Footer Design Templates:
The footer is equally critical, often housing important information and links. Currently, the selection of ready-to-use footer templates seems limited, particularly when compared to the vast array of available templates for other sections. Introducing a wider range of customizable footer templates would not only save valuable design time but also enhance the aesthetic and functional quality of the websites we build on your platform.

Feature Expansion:
Lastly, I believe that expanding the feature set to include more advanced design options and elements would significantly elevate the overall design capabilities offered by Nicepage. This could involve more sophisticated interaction features, deeper customization for design elements, and expanded template offerings that cater to a wider variety of design aesthetics and user needs.

while Nicepage has served as an invaluable tool for me over the years, I am confident that addressing these areas will not only enrich my experience but also that of the entire Nicepage community. I am enthusiastic about the future developments and am looking forward to seeing how Nicepage continues to evolve to meet the needs of its users.

Thank you for considering my feedback. I am eager to see the enhancements that the future holds for Nicepage. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need further details regarding my suggestions.

Warm regards,


Dear Nicepage Support Team, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to you as a long-standing and committed user of Nicepage and before that, Artisteer. Over the years, I have deeply appreciated the innovation and flexibility that your platform offers, enabling me to create and design with ease and efficiency. Your dedication to providing a user-friendly experience has always been evident, and it is one of the reasons I continue to choose Nicepage for my projects. However, as I have navigated through various updates and utilized the breadth of your features, I've encountered some areas where I believe there is a substantial opportunity for improvement, particularly regarding the platform's menu and footer functionalities. **Menu Functionality Enhancements:** The navigation menu plays a crucial role in the user experience of any website, acting as the roadmap for visitors. I have found that while the current menu functionality serves basic needs, it could greatly benefit from enhanced customization options. These include more dynamic and responsive designs, easier integration with various content sections, and improved mobile responsiveness. Elevating the menu's functionality will undoubtedly enrich the user experience and offer designers like myself more freedom to tailor our creations to our specific vision. **Footer Design Templates:** The footer is equally critical, often housing important information and links. Currently, the selection of ready-to-use footer templates seems limited, particularly when compared to the vast array of available templates for other sections. Introducing a wider range of customizable footer templates would not only save valuable design time but also enhance the aesthetic and functional quality of the websites we build on your platform. **Feature Expansion:** Lastly, I believe that expanding the feature set to include more advanced design options and elements would significantly elevate the overall design capabilities offered by Nicepage. This could involve more sophisticated interaction features, deeper customization for design elements, and expanded template offerings that cater to a wider variety of design aesthetics and user needs. while Nicepage has served as an invaluable tool for me over the years, I am confident that addressing these areas will not only enrich my experience but also that of the entire Nicepage community. I am enthusiastic about the future developments and am looking forward to seeing how Nicepage continues to evolve to meet the needs of its users. Thank you for considering my feedback. I am eager to see the enhancements that the future holds for Nicepage. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need further details regarding my suggestions. Warm regards, Jose
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 01 April 2024

Hi, Jose,

Thank you very much for your suggestions! We will take them into consideration.

We are now focusing on improving UI and developing AI features, and we hope that these improvements will be suitable and useful for our users. We agree that our Menu Element and Footer can be improved, and we hope it will be done in the future. To please our users, we are always doing our best.

Let us know if you need our further assistance!
Paul C.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Jose, Thank you very much for your suggestions! We will take them into consideration. We are now focusing on improving UI and developing AI features, and we hope that these improvements will be suitable and useful for our users. We agree that our Menu Element and Footer can be improved, and we hope it will be done in the future. To please our users, we are always doing our best. Let us know if you need our further assistance! ................................................... Sincerely, Paul C. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
23 Posts
josesalloum posted this 07 April 2024

Please check the following menus and footers in the following sites addresses :
I hope we can have the same tool with NicePage to create the same; it is time!

Thank you.

Hello, Please check the following menus and footers in the following sites addresses : I hope we can have the same tool with NicePage to create the same; it is time! Thank you.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 08 April 2024

Hi, Jose,

Thank you very much for the provided examples! We have added it to our wishlist.

Let us know if you need our further help!
Paul C.
Nicepage Support Team

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel:
Follow us on Facebook:

Hi, Jose, Thank you very much for the provided examples! We have added it to our wishlist. Let us know if you need our further help! ................................................... Sincerely, Paul C. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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