Website Settings completely cleared | Joomla Nicepage

DG Media
27 Posts
DG Media posted this 27 March 2024
Report a bug

Dear developers,

I am working with Nicepage now for about half a year. It's very stable and real game-breaking bugs are not common. Though one thing bugs me for several months now - and unfortunately I can't reproduce it, because it happens totally independent on my client sites (about 50).

Sometimes when working with the Nicepage editor in Joomla, if the browser crashes, or if I close the window without saving before leaving the browser, the complete "Website Settings" get cleared, which means that the following information is completely gone:

  • CSS
  • HTML
  • SEO settings
  • Google incredients
  • Cookies settings (even the way I changed the text in the cookie banner)

but also custom Modal Popups are gone. The only thing I can do is re-importing that information from my Nicepage Desktop project into the Nicepage Joomla environment.

As I said, I can not reproduce it, I can just tell that it is happening from time to time, and it's very annoying because I can't redo the issue but only rebuild or reimport the info from the Nicepage Desktop app.

Maybe you can take a look at this,
kind regards,

Dear developers, I am working with Nicepage now for about half a year. It's very stable and real game-breaking bugs are not common. Though one thing bugs me for several months now - and unfortunately I can't reproduce it, because it happens totally independent on my client sites (about 50). Sometimes when working with the Nicepage editor in Joomla, if the browser crashes, or if I close the window without saving before leaving the browser, the complete "Website Settings" get cleared, which means that the following information is completely gone: - CSS - HTML - SEO settings - Google incredients - Cookies settings (even the way I changed the text in the cookie banner) but also custom Modal Popups are gone. The only thing I can do is re-importing that information from my Nicepage Desktop project into the Nicepage Joomla environment. As I said, I can not reproduce it, I can just tell that it is happening from time to time, and it's very annoying because I can't redo the issue but only rebuild or reimport the info from the Nicepage Desktop app. Maybe you can take a look at this, kind regards, Dan
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2 Replies
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 27 March 2024


We had issues with the Settings loss, and we tried to resolve those. If you have the exact steps to reproduce those, we will happily fix them. Some bugs are really hard to reproduce, and we are very sorry for not helping at once. Thank you for your patience and feedback!

Alan R.
Nicepage Support Team

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Daniel, We had issues with the Settings loss, and we tried to resolve those. If you have the exact steps to reproduce those, we will happily fix them. Some bugs are really hard to reproduce, and we are very sorry for not helping at once. Thank you for your patience and feedback! ................................................... Sincerely, Alan R. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
DG Media
27 Posts
DG Media posted this 27 March 2024

Hi Alan,

thanks for the reply. Next time it happens I will try to at least examine the situation. Maybe it got better with new updates already. I will keep you informed.

Thanks kindly,

Hi Alan, thanks for the reply. Next time it happens I will try to at least examine the situation. Maybe it got better with new updates already. I will keep you informed. Thanks kindly, Dan
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