request: Header / Footer option left/right

SPIX Media & Groeneweg Design
12 Posts
SPIX Media & Groeneweg Design posted this 20 December 2023
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Dear Nicepage Team,

I frequently utilize the ability to create headers and footers in Nicepage. I would like to propose an expansion of this functionality. Specifically, I suggest introducing similar options for the left and right sides of web pages, akin to the existing header and footer features.

Additionally, I note that the current header allows for the placement of three layers on top of each other. I would like to see this functionality replicated in the footer, and if possible, also in the new elements on the left and right sides of the page.

I am confident that these enhancements will further increase the versatility and user-friendliness of Nicepage. I look forward to your response and the potential implementation of these ideas.

Dear Nicepage Team, I frequently utilize the ability to create headers and footers in Nicepage. I would like to propose an expansion of this functionality. Specifically, I suggest introducing similar options for the left and right sides of web pages, akin to the existing header and footer features. Additionally, I note that the current header allows for the placement of three layers on top of each other. I would like to see this functionality replicated in the footer, and if possible, also in the new elements on the left and right sides of the page. I am confident that these enhancements will further increase the versatility and user-friendliness of Nicepage. I look forward to your response and the potential implementation of these ideas.
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 21 December 2023

Dear Nicepage user,

Thank you for your valuable suggestions regarding the expansion of header and footer functionality, as well as the introduction of similar options for the left and right sides of web pages. We appreciate your feedback. To prioritize and implement new features, we encourage users to vote and express their interest in the proposed enhancements. The implementation of features depends on the collective interest, and we will certainly consider adding your ideas to our wish list.

Thank you for being a part of Nicepage, and we look forward to potential future updates.
Nicepage Support Team

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Dear Nicepage user, Thank you for your valuable suggestions regarding the expansion of header and footer functionality, as well as the introduction of similar options for the left and right sides of web pages. We appreciate your feedback. To prioritize and implement new features, we encourage users to vote and express their interest in the proposed enhancements. The implementation of features depends on the collective interest, and we will certainly consider adding your ideas to our wish list. Thank you for being a part of Nicepage, and we look forward to potential future updates. ................................................... Sincerely, Ahmad. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
SPIX Media & Groeneweg Design
12 Posts
SPIX Media & Groeneweg Design posted this 21 December 2023

Thank you for your response and for considering my suggestions. Could you inform me about how these ideas will be presented to other users for voting? I look forward to the developments.

Thank you for your response and for considering my suggestions. Could you inform me about how these ideas will be presented to other users for voting? I look forward to the developments.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 21 December 2023

Thank you for your response,

Since this is an open ticket, other users can express their support by pressing the Vote button under your initial message above.
Nicepage Support Team

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Thank you for your response, Since this is an open ticket, other users can express their support by pressing the **Vote** button under your initial message above. ................................................... Sincerely, Ahmad. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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