to many css files in my project

68 Posts
joaopeixoto posted this 07 September 2023
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I checked with an SEO website and the major problem it show me was the number of css files I've.
5. Why I have 5 css files????? it a simple website with 3 pages. main, contacts and about.

I checked with an SEO website and the major problem it show me was the number of css files I've. 5. Why I have 5 css files????? it a simple website with 3 pages. main, contacts and about.
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 07 September 2023

Hello João,

Thanks for using Nicepage!

  1. Nicepage is a website builder that uses a modular approach to design. This means that each page of your website is made up of different modules, such as a header, footer, and sidebar. Each module can have its own CSS file, which is why you might have 5 CSS files for a 3-page website.

  2. Nicepage also includes a number of pre-made templates that you can use to create your website. These templates often come with their own CSS files, which can add to the number of CSS files on your website.

  3. You may have added custom CSS to your website. If you have added custom CSS to your website, this will also add to the number of CSS files.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello João, Thanks for using Nicepage! 1. Nicepage is a website builder that uses a modular approach to design. This means that each page of your website is made up of different modules, such as a header, footer, and sidebar. Each module can have its own CSS file, which is why you might have 5 CSS files for a 3-page website. 2. Nicepage also includes a number of pre-made templates that you can use to create your website. These templates often come with their own CSS files, which can add to the number of CSS files on your website. 3. You may have added custom CSS to your website. If you have added custom CSS to your website, this will also add to the number of CSS files. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. ................................................... Sincerely, George. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
68 Posts
joaopeixoto posted this 08 September 2023

You are saying CAN HAVE or it WILL HAVE??? What 's the trigger to pass the CAN to HAVE?

  1. Nicepage have a theme menu for fonts, size, color, etc. I'm using only the theme fonts and style nothing more than that. 1 theme = 1 css right?

  2. That I understand, I use 0 templates, but I did try some and deleted since I didn't liked the result. So I guess nicepage is not deleting all files that I used from the template, only the objects. I notice also the images that the template import also stay in my library. I've to delete them by hand. That I do because I can see them. The css file I can't, nicepage should delete it since the template is already gone.

  3. I didn't added custom css. Even if I did it should be inserted in my html page not create another css file.

You are saying CAN HAVE or it WILL HAVE??? What 's the trigger to pass the CAN to HAVE? 1. Nicepage have a theme menu for fonts, size, color, etc. I'm using only the theme fonts and style nothing more than that. 1 theme = 1 css right? 2. That I understand, I use 0 templates, but I did try some and deleted since I didn't liked the result. So I guess nicepage is not deleting all files that I used from the template, only the objects. I notice also the images that the template import also stay in my library. I've to delete them by hand. That I do because I can see them. The css file I can't, nicepage should delete it since the template is already gone. 3. I didn't added custom css. Even if I did it should be inserted in my html page not create another css file.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 08 September 2023

Hi João,

What exact CSS files do you have? Please attach a screenshot of the files names.

Also you can use any minimization tool after the export of the site. Each file has its own purpose and it actually does not matter how many files do you have, every modern hosting would be able to proceed those files quickly.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi João, What exact CSS files do you have? Please attach a screenshot of the files names. Also you can use any minimization tool after the export of the site. Each file has its own purpose and it actually does not matter how many files do you have, every modern hosting would be able to proceed those files quickly. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
68 Posts
joaopeixoto posted this 08 September 2023

I've more than 5 css. the SEO program cries only in the main page.

the webpage is :

test server

I've more than 5 css. the SEO program cries only in the main page. the webpage is : [test server][1] [1]:
Support Team posted this 11 September 2023

Hi João,

Yes, the application creates a separate file for each page and also other files with custom fonts and so on. In any case they are quite small and your screenshot shows that the loading time is fine so actually the number of files does not affect the site speed.
Also if you wat, you can use some optimizer tool to proceed with the CSS minimization.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi João, Yes, the application creates a separate file for each page and also other files with custom fonts and so on. In any case they are quite small and your screenshot shows that the loading time is fine so actually the number of files does not affect the site speed. Also if you wat, you can use some optimizer tool to proceed with the CSS minimization. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
68 Posts
joaopeixoto posted this 11 September 2023

the elephant in the room is still there, but thanks for the help.

the elephant in the room is still there, but thanks for the help.
15 Posts
noobcrypt33 posted this 11 September 2023

do you think that your CSS files can affect the performance of your website ? HAHAHA don't pay attention to those messages, what affects the performance of a website are plugins that are added that are poorly designed, not a 30kb CSS lol

do you think that your CSS files can affect the performance of your website ? HAHAHA don't pay attention to those messages, what affects the performance of a website are plugins that are added that are poorly designed, not a 30kb CSS lol
68 Posts
joaopeixoto posted this 11 September 2023

That's another elephant on the room.

"In a congested network, the 30KB file might have an advantage because it reduces the overhead associated with establishing multiple connections for the 30 individual files..." even if they are all 1k.

If its not..will take same time....

Nicepage have both....

IA don't cares only about cares about how well is your code built....and this is way far from that.

That's another elephant on the room. btw: "In a congested network, the 30KB file might have an advantage because it reduces the overhead associated with establishing multiple connections for the 30 individual files..." even if they are all 1k. If its not..will take same time.... Nicepage have both.... IA don't cares only about cares about how well is your code built....and this is way far from that.

Last edited 11 September 2023 by joaopeixoto

68 Posts
joaopeixoto posted this 11 September 2023

Nicepage has a very good premise. 1 theme menu so you can select all fonts, sizes, and colors, for all the data you will insert into your web...if someone makes some alteration inside a page it should be done locally don't need to create another file for that.
Even if you don't do any alteration it will create anyway......

Guess programmers in Nicepage are not making a full effort here, optimizing the code is not on their horizon. I'm a programmer. I learned from Assembler, C, Java to MIPS processor. I learned how to optimize every line I entered. Computers were not that fast in my time. Me and my colleagues, had some fun with some contests, trying to make the same project with the least lines of code. Guess that time is gone. Now it's all

Nicepage has a very good premise. 1 theme menu so you can select all fonts, sizes, and colors, for all the data you will insert into your web...if someone makes some alteration inside a page it should be done locally don't need to create another file for that. Even if you don't do any alteration it will create anyway...... Guess programmers in Nicepage are not making a full effort here, optimizing the code is not on their horizon. I'm a programmer. I learned from Assembler, C, Java to MIPS processor. I learned how to optimize every line I entered. Computers were not that fast in my time. Me and my colleagues, had some fun with some contests, trying to make the same project with the least lines of code. Guess that time is gone. Now it's all
Support Team
Support Team posted this 12 September 2023

Hi João,

I understand what you are talking about, but we indeed live in the era where all servers are more powerful and they can handle loading several files. We'll consider your suggestion about automatical optimization of the CSS files. For now you can use third-party programs for that after you eport the theme.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi João, I understand what you are talking about, but we indeed live in the era where all servers are more powerful and they can handle loading several files. We'll consider your suggestion about automatical optimization of the CSS files. For now you can use third-party programs for that after you eport the theme. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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